Name Origin: The first release of this mold was as the Premier Club model Falhofnir.
Sculptor: Kathleen Moody
Introduced: 2014
Breyer Mold: #729
Size: Traditional

Realistic Colors

Svali Fra Tjorn #1754 (2016 - Current)
Bay Pinto Silver
Falhofnir #90177 (2014 Premier Club #2)
Sokkar #711275 (2017 Breyerfest Early Bird)
Black Pinto Silver
Muybridge #711486 (2021 Breyerfest Friday Raffle)
Chestnut Pinto
Sporour fra Bergi #1844 (2021 - Current)
Grey Dapple
Elska #1731 (2016 Flagship)
Palomino Roan
Honeysuckle #712177 (2016 Breyer Website)

Decorator Colors

Blue Translucent
Jol #712348 (2020 Website Drawing Gamber's Choice)
Clear Translucent
Jol #712348 (2020 Website Drawing Gamber's Choice)
Red Translucent
Jol #712348 (2020 Website Drawing Gamber's Choice)

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.
