Starlights · Summer Camp

“Spring Carnival” (Pale Green Border) (March 2011)
39 horse cards, 4 horse & friends cards, 2 friends cards, 10 storyboard cards and 55 foil cards

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Common Cards

01 - Anemone
Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.
Parade Horse from Herd Airitos
02 - Athena
Be yourself, be free, and allow others the same freedom.
Parade Horse from Herd Pantheon
03 - Avalon
Be there for your friends with kind words and wise advice.
Parade Horse from Herd Islandar
04 - Carousel Airistos
Look to the sky for comfort. Above the clouds, it is always blue.
Carousel Horse
05 - Carousel Elemyn
Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.
Carousel Horse
06 - Carousel Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Carousel Horse
07 - Carousel Islandar
Gentleness, honesty, and love pave the way for a fruitful friendship.
Carousel Horse
08 - Carousel Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Carousel Horse
09 - Carousel Moonfairy
Let the magical full moon inspire your imagination.
Carousel Horse
10 - Carousel Mustang
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive.
Carousel Horse
11 - Carousel Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Carousel Horse
12 - Carousel Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Carousel Horse
13 - Carousel Shahazar
Every moment is the beginning of something new.
Carousel Horse
14 - Carousel Starlight
Believe it and it will work.
Carousel Horse
15 - Carousel Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Carousel Horse
16 - Carousel Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Carousel Horse
17 - Carousel Valeryk
We never outgrow our need to be loved.
Carousel Horse
18 - Guinevere
You always have the strength to do what you know is right.
Carnival Guest
19 - Harmony
Making music creates harmony in the world.
Leader of the Magical Friends Band
20 - Heart
It takes someone special to catch your heart.
Twin of Soul
21 - Iceking
Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.
Parade Horse from Herd Valeryk
22 - Kitty
Being happy helps your friends feel happy too.
Carnival Musician
23 - Lien
The most important time is your life is right now.
Parade Horse from Herd Elemyn
24 - Maximus
Take good care of both your body and your spirit and you will be truly healthy.
Carnival Ringmaster
25 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
Parade Horse from Herd Moonfairy
26 - Nova
Kind deeds are like stars. Each one makes the world a little brighter.
Parade Horse from Herd Starlight
27 - Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Patron of Herd Pantheon
28 - Paris
Think wisely before you choose.
Carnival Guest
29 - Rohna
Sometimes learning happens in ways you don't expect.
Carnival Guest
30 - Rosebriar
The world is full of freedom and love for you to find.
Parade Horse from Herd Sunflower
31 - Saturna
There will always be new places for you to explore.
Carnival Guest
32 - Shenandoah
Always be yourself and others will respect you.
Brother of Zabarius
33 - Sierra
Each living creation is an adventure.
Parade Horse from Herd Mustang
34 - Sif
Learn from nature's mysterious power.
Carnival Guest
35 - Silvanus
A seed needs to be cared for. The same goes for a friendship.
Carnival Guest
36 - Sirocco
One creative thought can start a storm of good ideas.
Parade Horse from Herd Shahazar
37 - Soul
If you are sad, ask someone to listen to you.
Twin of Heart
38 - Valkrist
Have faith that you will find the answers you're looking for.
Parade Horse from Herd Bellasara
39 - Zabarius
You can face any challenge with courage and strength.
Brother of Shenandoah
40 - Carousel Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
Carousel Horse & Goddess of Horses
41 - Soot & Colm
Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.
Fiery Steed & Emma's Cousin
42 - Twig & Deru
Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.
Dryads of Drasilmare
43 - Wings & Emma
Believe in your friends and help them find their wings.
Valkyrie Steed & Sigga's Heir
44 - Cade Traveler
Story Quote: "Thank you for coming. Let the Carnival begin!"
Canter Hollow Stable Master
45 - Ivenna & Myrfor
Story Quote: "I want a raging storm to pour down on Canter Hollow."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
  46 - Costume Fitting
Emma, Colm, and Deru can't wait for Spring Carnival, a holiday celebrating the magical growdust pollen that brings springtime. Emma and her friends help Iceking, one of the horses in the Spring Carnival parade, try on his costume. They also find an old carousel hidden in the stables. But one of its horses is missing: the one that looks like Bella.
47 - Raising the Storm
Ivenna, leader of the Wolf Riders, and her mount, Myrfor, want to keep the magical growdust from bringing springtime. Ivenna uses her dark magic to raise the storm giants and blast Canter Hollow with terrible thunder, lightning, wind, and rain. Unless Emma and her friends stop Ivenna's storm, the growdust can't come -- and it will stay winter forever.
48 - Flood!
Ivenna's storm sends a dangerous rush of rainwater over Frostfroth Falls, filling Canter Hollow's canals to bursting. Cade, the stable master, and his horse Zabarius help the townsfolk put sandbags around the canals to strengthen them. Meanwhile, Cade sends Emma and Colm to the falls to stop the water before the canals overflow and flood the town.
49 - Frozen Solid
Frostfroth Falls, full of extra rainwater from Ivenna's storm, threaten to flood Canter Hollow. Emma and Colm must stop the water before it's too late. Colm's magical friend Frostbite gives Emma an idea. She summons the parade horse Iceking to freeze the falls and the lake above them. When the falls turn to ice, Colm sees something strange below.
50 - Finding Bella
When Iceking freezes Frostfroth Falls, Colm sees something half hidden at the bottom. He and Emma discover it's the missing Bella horse from the old carousel they found in the stables. Deru's citrustack friends clean it up, and Cade puts it back in the carousel. Emma wishes she knew how to make the carousel go -- and how to make Ivenna's storm stop.
51 - Marching Band
With Ivenna's storm still raging outside, Cade tells Emma they must cancel Spring Carnival. But Emma suggests that they decorate the stables and have Carinval inside. Everyone in Canter Hollow comes, including a marching band of magical friends. Cade signals the band to play, and a jolly tune fills the stables. Suddenly the old carousel lights up!
52 - Carousel
Cade invites a marching band to play for Spring Carnival. When the music starts, the old carousel in the stables lights up and slowly begins to move. Thinking quickly, Emma and Colm keep the music going and find riders for all the carousel horses. Sara, goddess of horses, waves from the Bella horse as the magic carousel spins faster and faster.
53 - Carnival Parade
The magic carousel in the stables comes to life when Emma and her friends give it music and riders. Soon the horses break free from the carousel and go floating off on their own through the rain-soaked streets of Canter Hollow. Sara leads them in a Carnival parade -- and everywhere they go, soft breezes and warm sunshine drive Ivenna's storm away.
54 - Magical Friends Float
Emma and her friends follow the carousel horses as they parade through Canter Hollow, ending Ivenna's storm with Spring Carnival magic. Cade's horse Shenandoah joins them, pulling a float made by jory Critterton of the Magical Friends Emporium. With the storm out of the way, everyone watches for the magical growdust pollen that brings springtime.
55 - Growdust
As the Spring Carnival parade marches through Canter Hollow, its magic stops Ivenna's storm. Sparkling growdust pollen begins falling from the sky, bringing new life and energy to everything it touches. No one is happier to see the growdust than Emma's dryad friend, Deru, and her steed, Twig, who get all their magic from this springtime miracle.

Foil Cards

S1 - Anemone
Keep your heart open. Believe in getting and giving love.
Parade Horse from Herd Airitos
S2 - Athena
Be yourself, be free, and allow others the same freedom.
Parade Horse from Herd Pantheon
S3 - Avalon
Be there for your friends with kind words and wise advice.
Parade Horse from Herd Islandar
S4 - Carousel Airistos
Look to the sky for comfort. Above the clouds, it is always blue.
Carousel Horse
S5 - Carousel Elemyn
Give your friend a hug. You will get it back a thousand times.
Carousel Horse
S6 - Carousel Fiona
Be the hero in your own story.
Carousel Horse
S7 - Carousel Islandar
Gentleness, honesty, and love pave the way for a fruitful friendship.
Carousel Horse
S8 - Carousel Jewel
I will help you to stay in a steady flow of abundance.
Carousel Horse
S9 - Carousel Moonfairy
Let the magical full moon inspire your imagination.
Carousel Horse
S10 - Carousel Mustang
Love is the greatest gift you can give or receive.
Carousel Horse
S11 - Carousel Nike
Have the courage to trust yourself.
Carousel Horse
S12 - Carousel Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Carousel Horse
S13 - Carousel Shahazar
Every moment is the beginning of something new.
Carousel Horse
S14 - Carousel Starlight
Believe it and it will work.
Carousel Horse
S15 - Carousel Sunflower
Look for the abundance of beauty all around you.
Carousel Horse
S16 - Carousel Thunder
I give you courage. Now you can release your fears.
Carousel Horse
S17 - Carousel Valeryk
We never outgrow our need to be loved.
Carousel Horse
S18 - Guinevere
You always have the strength to do what you know is right.
Carnival Guest
S19 - Harmony
Making music creates harmony in the world.
Leader of the Magical Friends Band
S20 - Heart
It takes someone special to catch your heart.
Twin of Soul
S21 - Iceking
Hope is like magic. It keeps you full of energy.
Parade Horse from Herd Valeryk
S22 - Kitty
Being happy helps your friends feel happy too.
Carnival Musician
S23 - Lien
The most important time is your life is right now.
Parade Horse from Herd Elemyn
S24 - Maximus
Take good care of both your body and your spirit and you will be truly healthy.
Carnival Ringmaster
S25 - Mireldis
Look for help and you will find it all around you.
Parade Horse from Herd Moonfairy
S26 - Nova
Kind deeds are like stars. Each one makes the world a little brighter.
Parade Horse from Herd Starlight
S27 - Pantheon
What you have learned is inside you, always available when you need it.
Patron of Herd Pantheon
S28 - Paris
Think wisely before you choose.
Carnival Guest
S29 - Rohna
Sometimes learning happens in ways you don't expect.
Carnival Guest
S30 - Rosebriar
The world is full of freedom and love for you to find.
Parade Horse from Herd Sunflower
S31 - Saturna
There will always be new places for you to explore.
Carnival Guest
S32 - Shenandoah
Always be yourself and others will respect you.
Brother of Zabarius
S33 - Sierra
Each living creation is an adventure.
Parade Horse from Herd Mustang
S31 - Sif
Learn from nature's mysterious power.
Carnival Guest
S35 - Silvanus
A seed needs to be cared for. The same goes for a friendship.
Carnival Guest
S36 - Sirocco
One creative thought can start a storm of good ideas.
Parade Horse from Herd Shahazar
S37 - Soul
If you are sad, ask someone to listen to you.
Twin of Heart
S38 - Valkrist
Have faith that you will find the answers you're looking for.
Parade Horse from Herd Bellasara
S39 - Zabarius
You can face any challenge with courage and strength.
Brother of Shenandoah
S40 - Carousel Bella & Sara
Think positive every day! Feel the bliss of joy and energy that comes with it.
Carousel Horse & Goddess of Horses
S41 - Soot & Colm
Love who you are. Believe in who you can be.
Fiery Steed & Emma's Cousin
S42 - Twig & Deru
Spend your time on things that matter. The rest will take care of itself.
Dryads of Drasilmare
S43 - Wings & Emma
Believe in your friends and help them find their wings.
Valkyrie Steed & Sigga's Heir
S44 - Cade Traveler
Story Quote: "Thank you for coming. Let the Carnival begin!"
Canter Hollow Stable Master
45 - Ivenna & Myrfor
Story Quote: "I want a raging storm to pour down on Canter Hollow."
Leader of the Wolf Riders & Alpha Wolf
46 - Costume Fitting 47 - Raising the Storm 48 - Flood!
49 - Frozen Solid 50 - Finding Bella 51 - Marching Band 52 - Carousel
53 - Carnival Parade 54 - Magical Friends Float 55 - Growdust  

Horseshoe Cards Cards

Copper 250 Horseshoe Card Silver 350 Horseshoe Card Gold 500 Horseshoe Card  


Bella Sara Logo Carousel Pantheon Carousel Bella & Sara Twig & Deru
Marching Band & Carousel Airistos Carousel Nike & Carousel Valeryk Carousel Elemyn & Saturna Carousel Jewel & Carousel
Carousel Islandar & Carousel Starlight Silvanus & Carousel Shahazar    

Not for Sale
For Reference Purposes Only
