Name Origin: This is the portrait model of John Henry as envisioned by the artist.
Sculptor: Jeanne Mellin Herrick
Introduced: 2003
Breyer Mold: #445
Size: Traditional

There are two version of the model. This one is in production.

Also see John Henry -- Rough Coat

Realistic Colors

Seabiscuit #1188 (2003 - 2008)
Seabiscuit & Jockey SR (2003 JC Penney)
Forego #1273 (2006)
Northern Dancer #1494 (2013 - 2014)
Glossy Northern Dancer #1494 (2014 Breyerfest Live Show Prize)
Bay Blanket
Pech Merle #711478 (2021 Breyerfest Tent)
Buckskin Blanket
Pech Merle #711478 (2021 Breyerfest Tent)
Dun Red
ELCR Benefit Model #1393 (2009)
Dun Red
Glossy ELCR Benefit Model #1393G (2009 Breyerwest Live Show Prize)
Grey Dapple
ELCR Benefit Model #1392 (2009)
Grey Dapple
Glossy ELCR Benefit Model #1392G (2009 Breyerwest Live Show Prize)

Decorator Colors

None Yet    

SR = Special Run/Limited Edition, production run number unknown.

Breyer Naming Convention: Call a mold by the name of the very first release of that mold.
Stone Naming Convention: The breed the mold represents.
