01 - Addis When someone tells you she's sorry, forgive her. Parents: Flame & Nike |
02 - Alina Your good character is the most precious thing you own. Page of Herd Shahazar |
03 - Bellisimo Trust yourself and you will know how to live. Parents: Bello & Bella |
04 - Bellissa Become the person you want to be. You will find joy along the way. Parents: Bello & Bella |
05 - Briar Believing in yourself makes things go better for you. Parents: Beran & Rosebriar |
06 - Brine Choose friends who are positive and loving. Parents: Treasure & Edana |
07 - Buttercup Let your heart guide you. Page of Herd Sunflower |
08 - Calyx We can climb mountains together. Parents: Beran & Rosebriar |
09 - Celesta Look at the sky. See the art that nature creates. Parents: Amor & Venus |
10 - Cherub Hope is the magic that turns wishes into goals. Parents: Amor & Venus |
11 - Chocolate Chocolate makes this moment delightful. Prince of Herd Valeryk |
12 - Chortlebones Your joyful spirit helps everyone have a good time. Jester of Herd Moonfairy |
13 - Chromasia The sweet sound of your voice makes me smile. Parents: Bifrost & Colour |
14 - Cirra See the beauty inside your friends. Parents: Uranus & Anemone |
15 - Delight Being kind to someone makes both of you feel good. Parents: Charlie & Mandalay |
16 - Ebenos Today is another chance to do something wonderful. Parents: Uranus & Anemone |
17 - Emberic You can create miracles in your life. Believe it! Parents: Flame & Nike |
18 - Fiona Be the hero in your own story. Patron of Herd Shahazar |
19 - Foxtail A joyful life is waiting for you. Prince of Herd Sunflower |
20 - Freja Close your eyes and hear the sound around you. Parents: Orion & Star |
21 - Gracie A true friend is one of the most precious treasures. Page of Herd Valeryk |
22 - Heart It takes someone special to catch your heart. Jester of Herd Pantheon |
23 - Helia Doing things together helps our friendship grow. Parents: Flame & Nike |
24 - Iceprince Let other see who you really are. Parents: Iceking & Nyx |
25 - Janie Learn from yesterday, enjoy today, and imagine tomorrow. Parents: Flipper & Ondine |
26 - Jewel I will help you stay in a steady flow of abundance. Patron of Herd Islandar |
27 - Juniper Ask for a helping hand when you need it. Parents: Aspen & Maplewind |
28 - Kora I am proud to be your friend. Parents: Treasure & Edana |
29 - Mistral Do what you mean to do. Parents: Bifrost & Colour |
30 - Murttie Imagine love and joy coming into your life. Parents: Flipper & Ondine |
31 - Nike Have the courage to trust yourself. Patron of Herd Airistos |
32 - Petal Plan a sweet surprise for someone. Parents: Beran & Rosebriar |
33 - Pie You cannot do something until you try it. Jester of Herd Elemyn |
34 - Pirouette You have unique gifts. Make the most of the chances they give you. Parents: Amor & Venus |
35 - Primrose The more you learn, the more you grown. Parents: Royce & Pink Lady |
36 - Ruskin Follow your heart and you will create your own success. Parents: Chryso & Sasha |
37 - Shasta Daisy Look for your special gifts and love what you find. Parents: Snapdragon & Violet |
38 - Snowflake Change whatever you need to change to make things better. Parents: Mjolnir & Iduna |
39 - Soul If you are sad, ask someone to listen to you. Page of Herd Patheon |
40 - Spottie Play with me and your life will become an adventure. Jester of Herd Valeryk |
41 - Sugarplum I'm make of hopes and dreams. Parents: Magic & Starunna |
42 - Summit Being with others and being alone can both be beautiful. Parents: Charlie & Mandalay |
43 - Sylphie A vivid imagination creates new adventures. Princess of Herd Moonfairy |
44 - Thunder I give you courage. Now you can release your fears. Patron of Herd Valeryk |
45 - Ticklebit You are surrounded by good luck. Page of Herd Moonfairy |